The dawn of a new adventure

In comes the insanity! 

Well, that's it! I'm not one of "those" people that reminisce and rides down memory lane in the nostalgia bandwagon. Yes, my mid-life crisis has gone and past. But I find myself wanting and yearning to have a good start in a new hobby, micro-electronics. And what better way than to start building an 8-bit microcomputer. And yes, I do dabble with microcontrollers also, so I have a good start.

When I was in school in the late '80s I learned to program on the 6809 in assembly language on a single board computer (SBC). My initial thought was to recreate the aforementioned SBC, but the availability of parts is diminishing. In comes Western Design Center, makers of the new WD65C02 chips, still in production today.  Off the shelf components is important to my endeavor, in case I want to replicate my design. Trying to scrounge vintage and obsolete parts is not part of the plan.

So, welcome to my insanity project, keep in touch, and come back to visit to follow my progress.

Where to start?  I need a slow clock, so what better then building Ben Eater's clock module. Here it is:


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