Second iteration with "Hello World" working.

It turns out I had an issue with my wiring AND the breadboard power supply could not provide enough power. So I scrapped all my wiring, not trusting it, and plugged in my bench power supply as a stable source. It took all day to rewire the board with the VIA and LCD, but it was worth it... or was it. Well, it turns out I had another mystery bug. And that one was very sneaky. It took me a while to catch on, but it turns out my EEPROM chip was defective. Darn! I only have one more in stock. I need to buy a few spares, just in case.

But in the end, I got my "Hello World" to print on the LCD. That was quite satisfying!

PS: Before you comment on my wiring, yes, I know, it's not as neat. But I didn't want to spend too much time on it. I need to know it works, and get to the next step, the ACIA and RTC. Because as soon as I know this works, I'll either etch my own board, or go the PCBWay!


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