First things first
Before starting my adventure, I needed to do 2 things. Reorganize my lab space, and buy the necessary components. I wasn't quite ready to start my project, space-wise, as my office/lab was a mess and all my existing components were all thrown in various bins haphazardly. Step one , reorder the furniture and optimize my desk space. Easier said than done, but I managed to do it in less than a day. Keep in mind that my "office" was also a dumping ground for everything else in the apartment. So I made some hard choices on what had to go and what stayed, Mari Kondo style. It's not perfect, but it's a start. The following day, I sorted all my components, mostly because I was curious to find out what I had. And hold and behold, I had many unnecessary duplicates. That's what happens when you let me loose in my local electronics store without a shopping list or a plan. Step two , order the components needed. I chose Mouser because they carried the WD65C02 microproc...
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